Pick 3 Edge
JAN. 2017
Friends and Fellow Lottery Strategist,
I stopped playing the Pick 3 lottery
Now, I WIN $250-$1000+ a DAY playing a different “game”
I’m NOT selling anything, I just want to share how I did this, so YOU can do this to!
To be honest,
with the systems and strategies in this site, I could hit Pick 3 every once in a while, in what I call “consistent clumps”. (hot for a week or so, then cold)
But, after 12 LOoooooNG years of HARD CORE training, back-testing, studying probability and statistical analysis, buying every book and program out there…. the illusive “consistency” was always the problem.
I could not WIN consistently enough, to rely on for any kind of future..or wealth. FRUSTRATING!!
I even spent a ton of time and money trying to automate and program Pick3Edge …but still nothing worked consistently enough to make it real.
But, like a mad man, I kept on going, because I liked the challenge of hoping to find that one holy grail strategy. Know what I mean?

Tom Jodzio Founder of Pick3Edge
Then, several years ago, a friend of mine saw my work on Pick 3 number analysis and said, “dude, you should be trading currency” (or Forex Trading) . He was a trader, drove a Porsche and I pretty much knew I was smarter then he was lol , so I took a look…
…and never looked back!
I kick myself now thinking how I never did this before and all the time (and money) I wasted on Pick 3
Which is why I wanted to share this with you.
Pick 3 and 4 lottery strategist, make PERFECT Traders!
Trust me, This will COMPLETELY Change Your LIFE!!
Oh, and don’t let the word “Trader” or “Forex” intimidate you…Forex trading really pretty simple…especially when compared to all the Pick 3 and 4 lottery analysis that we typically do. lol.
If you like doing lottery analysis….
you will LOVE trading!
Trading is 100 times easier then Pick 3

giving two attempts to get going.Risk = 50%
Reward = 300% (4 fold)

First trade risk $25
Win = $150 total
Win = $450 total
Loss =$225 total
Win = $675 total
Win = $2025 total
Loss = $~1000 total
Win = $3000 total
Win = $9000 total
Loss = $4500 total
Win = $~13000 total
Win = $39000 total
Win = $117000 total
9 wins, 3 losses.
The order of the wins and losses doesn’t matter.
….AND With Forex, you can play EVERY Day, Hour, 15min, 5 min or even EVERY MINUTE! Whatever fits your schedule and style.
Forex is the KEY to Freedom. I did it…so can you!
If you treat Forex HALF as seriously as you do Pick 3, you will realize the kind of SUCCESS you only dreamed about when you play lotteries..and be able to do it OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
- A trader doesn’t need a University degree and years in practice to trade.
- You can trade 24/5.5 days a week.
- The tools are free
- You can start trading with as little as $50 (Account is free to open)
- The major currency pairs offer WAY BETTER opportunities then Pick 3 or 4 lotteries.
- You can actually make money WHILE you learn. (See “Signals” below)
Trading is not gambling…you can actually WIN consistently!
Look, Im now retired (thanks to trading) and a full-time trader (Only risking 2% of my account…not 50% in the extreme example above. I trade only 2-3 hours a day and make more money in 1 trade…then I ever did playing Pick 3 or my old job COMBINED!
Thats why Im letting you know this. I had forgotten about this website and have not been here for almost 3 years.
I just remembered it and had my programmers whip up this page to share what I did…and maybe help someone else change their lives like I did.
Soooo How Do You Start?
Well, sorry I dont have the time to teach you how to do this, however…
I can point you in the right direction so
you can start making money this week. (I’m Serious)
There are only 3 things you really need to get going.
- A Broker for your account
- A Trading Platform
- A System
1. A Broker
First thing you will need is a broker account. Don’t over complicate it. This is REALLY easy to setup online. Most take a credit or debit card and only need a minimum of $50 (Example FXCM). Just start with a mini account. Its what I used.
There are many brokers out there that do Forex markets. I have tried and have a few different accounts a some of them. However to get you going, I would strongly recommend using FXCM (Im not affiliated at all). They allow for the lowest spread, lowest deposit to start, offer a great FREE DEMO account to practice on AND have a one of the best trading platforms.
2. A Trading Platform
Starting out, the three biggest and easiest to learn are Trading Station, Meta Trader 4 and Ninjatrader. All four come with FXCM. I would recommend MetaTrader 4 or Trading Station. This really depends on your training. Which brings me to the MOST IMPORTANT PART
3. A System
Obviously LEARNING TO TRADE is the most important part.
3 most common methods for doing this:
- Signals – A Good trader sends you EXACTLY what to buy and sell in an email or text. (doesn’t get any easier)
- A Mentor – Someone or Group to work with one-on-one for learning and following how to trade
- On Going Education – On-Going education so you learn how to trade for yourself and can stop using the signals. (Maybe start your own signal service 😉
Most signals come from automated systems, which DON’T WORK! Avoid them at all cost!
Robbie Newton is a Master Forex Trader that offers you the ability to get his trades in an email. Hes been offering this service since 2011 and maintains consistent profitability.
He will send you:
- What Pair to trade
- Whether to BUY or SELL it
- What your Entry Price is
- What your Stop is
- What your Profit is.
He also offers a plugin for Metatrader platform, that will actually tie into his platform and take the trades for you. Crazy. You don’t even have to pay attention. While this is cool technology, I really advise you use just the signals to get the trades and get used to taking the trades yourself.
Eventually you will want to stop relying on others and do the trading for yourself…any maybe help others in your family learn too.
A Mentor
An awesome way to learn
However, finding a good “Mentor” is really hard.
I really only know of one Trader that is at the top of his game, has a really EASY to learn system and work with you ONE-ON-ONE.
I wish someone would have shown me this when I started lol
Vlad is a standup guy and a prodigy in Forex. I have traded with him personally (He is available to all via Skype) and know his systems are spot on and EASY to master.
This is literally an ALL-IN-ONE Service.
Full training step-by-step from beginner to advanced pro. He also offers Signals too, however, they are on a longer timeframe, which is a much better long term plan.
Reports 3 times a day with:
- Trading idea with easy to follow instructions
- Signals for trading
- Live Online Trading Room meetings with all members
- Market news and what it means
- Media Center with videos that walk you through everything you need.
AND ONE-ON -ONE Mentoring directly with Vlad via Skype
Oh…AND Its free for to try it out too!
On Going Education
Anyone in Forex for awhile Im sure has heard of or read Al Brooks books on Price Action.
The books are a bit much for new traders (Overkill). You can get a lot of the basics for freee from his website. However, if your interested in sharpening your skill in trading, his Video Series “Brooks Trading Course” is a COMPREHENSIVE study guide on EVERYTHING you need to know about trading.
He has a whole new update video series (just released) course which sells for ($400)..little pricey. Once you get started trading using Vlad as your mentor, or the signals from Mark and I would highly recommend doing this for on-going learning and getting better at your craft.
Well There you have it.
Im sure, as a fellow Pick 3 lottery player you will fit perfectly into this. Just passing on the info I used to make a killing and I wish you all the financial success in the world too!
I hope this helps!
All the best, Tom